That's Entertainment! 2024
COME SING AND DANCE WITH THE GROSSE POINTE SOUTH CHOIRS!PLACE: Performing ArtsDATES: August 19-23, 2024WORKSHOP FEE: Middle School Singers $185 (nonrefundable); High School Singers $260 (nonrefundable); Middle School add on dance workshop $80REGISTRATION AND GUIDELINES: The workshop is open to all students from any school rising into 5th -12th grades.Online registration is mandatory.
Friday, August 23rd performances at 7 pm at The Christian A. Fenton Performing Arts Center, 707 Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods
Online Registration
This form requires completing student, medical and parent information. You can read the Waiver of Liability and agree to the terms. Pay with Mastercard or Visa and processed through PayPal. Payment and registration are accepted online only.Workshop and finale performances will be held at Christian A. Fenton Performing Arts Center, 707 Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods.Click Here to Purchase Finale TicketsQuestions? Contact Carolyn Gross at