We are happy you’re here!
Enrollment Instructions
Online enrollment is mandatory for all students entering the district including: New residents to the district, returning students, Young Fives, and Kindergarten students.
Families with elementary students must complete enrollment prior to May 1 to guarantee placement in their home school per policy 4.04. A list of open and closed classes by school is updated regularly for open/close 24/25.
In order to attend school in The Grosse Pointe Public School System, you must reside within district boundaries. CLICK HERE FOR THE BOUNDARY MAP
- Identification: ONE of the Following Required
- Michigan Driver's License - BOTH SIDES (NOT EXPIRED) or
*If you have not been able to update your driver's license, please upload your Secretary of State appointment email confirmation.
- Proof of Residency: ONE of the Following Required
- Homeowner: Current Mortgage Statement, Current Property Tax Bill, Closing Statement (less than 2 months), Warranty or Quitclaim Deed (less than 2 months)
- Renter: Signed Current Lease or Notarized Landlord Affidavit (with expiration date on district form)
- Address Verification: TWO of the following Required Issued within the last 30 days - Cannot be from the same vendor
- Gas/electric bill (water bills not accepted)
- Telephone or cellular phone bill
- Cable or satellite TV bill
- Renter's or homeowner's insurance policy
- Bank or credit card statement
- Current automobile registration or insurance policy/statement
- Identification: ONE of the Following Required
- Student Birth Certificate Required
- Immunization Record Required
- Health Appraisal*
- KindergartenWaiver2024-25.pdf (if applicable)
- Vision Screening - Kindergarten and Young Fives only*
- Most recent transcript/report card (if applicable)
- Student Discipline Record from previous school if transferring in from outside GPPSS.
- Special Education information or 504/IEP (if applicable)
- Court documents for specific instruction/restrictions for custody (if applicable)
- MHSAA Transfer Form Applicable for High School students transferring from another high school
*You may submit health appraisal and vision screening at a later date as long as it is submitted before the student's first day of school.
Confirm all required documents before starting the application.
Complete Your Enrollment Application Click HereÂ
For any questions, email: verify@gpschools.org

Tour Your Grosse Pointe Schools
Please complete the following tour request form and a district representative will contact you to confirm your appointment.
District News
Young Fives & Kindergarten Enrollment 2025-26
Complete the Kindergarten enrollment process by May 1st to guarantee placement in your home school
Mental Health and Other Resources for Parents & Students
This site has many resources to assist parents and students with questions about mental health, substance abuse, unique learning needs, crisis resources, parenting support, special education programs and services and much more
Upcoming Events
If you are using a screen reader or are having problems using this website, please call 1-313-432-5155 for assistance.
Comments and suggestions to: gpwebcoordinatorConnect with GPPSS: info@gpschools.org