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Katy Neumann - Interim
Executive Director, PreK-12 Teaching and Learning
313-432-3044Dr. Chris Stanley
Executive Director, Learning Technology and Strategic Relations
313-432-5153Claire Kidder
313-432-3033Sara Roberts
313-432-3043Dr. Kevin Kurkowski
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Technical Analyst
Preparing for Kindergarten
How Parents Can Help Prepare Their Children for Kindergarten
Parents and teachers recognize that each child grows at his or her own particular rate. Parents can help develop a happy inter-relationship between home and school by encouraging children in the following areas:Putting On Clothes
- Knowing his or her own clothing (put name on coats, hats, scarves, mittens, and boots)
- Putting on clothes in logical order
- Buttoning and/ or zipping coats
- Putting on outdoor clothing
- Tying shoes
(Send your child in slip-on or Velcro shoes until this skill is learned.) - Hanging up clothes in orderly fashion
Using the Toilet
- To go to the toilet without help (have clothing which can be managed alone)
- To flush the toilet
- To wash hands after flushing the toilet
Healthy Habits
- Before school begins, establish a morning routine in your home.
- Sleep ten to twelve hours each night
- Enjoy quiet time during the day
- Eat well- balanced and unhurried meals (hungry and tired children are not good candidates for a successful school day)
- Wash hands before eating
- Learn to turn the head or use a tissue when sneezing or coughing
- Teach your child his or her full address and phone number.
- Teach your child the way to school.
- Teach him or her to look both ways before crossing the street.
Developing Desirable Play Habits
- Play with brothers and sisters
- Play and share with other children
- Make new friends
- Feel the importance of taking turns and sharing with others
- Reinforce helpful behaviors
- Help make decisions in family activities or recreation
- Provide opportunities for outdoor play.
Talking and Listening
- Encourage your child to speak in short sentences about things which interest him or her.
- Encourage your child to look at the speaker.
- Encourage your child to take turns speaking and listening in group conversations
- Help him or her to speak distinctly.
- Read books to your child each day, and reinforce good listening skills.
- Encourage your child to follow 3-step directions.
Gross (Large Muscle) Motor Skills
- Provide opportunities for outdoor play
- Encourage your child to run and skip
- Teach your child how to throw, catch, and kick a ball
Fine Motor Skills
- Give your child opportunities to work with crayons, pencils, and washable markers.
- Reinforce correct pencil grip (See the A-OK handout)
- Provide opportunities for your child to cut paper with scissors.
- Encourage work with toys that will strengthen your child’s hands or hand-eye coordination – small building toys like legos, pegboards or Lite-Brite, puzzles, play- doh.
Getting Ready to Read
- Teach your child to write his or her name using the correct form (first letter only in uppercase.)
- Work on identifying colors.
- Sing the alphabet song and add an ABC Book to your daily read-aloud.
- Work on naming letters.
- Read to your child each day. On several pages, run your finger under the line of print as you read.
- Encourage your child to draw pictures and to tell you about the pictures.
Getting Ready for Math
- Count aloud with your child to 20.
- Count up to 10 objects with 1 to 1 correspondence.
- Work on identifying numerals to 10.
- Begin to write numbers to 10.
- Add a number book to your read-aloud time.
- Work on naming shapes – circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, diamond.
- Have your child help sort items – toys, socks, etc.