


    What is Lexia Reading Core 5?


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    Lexia is an adaptive blended learning program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for use at home or school.

    • Every K-4 student in Grosse Pointe has a Lexia account and can benefit from the direct and explicit phonetic instruction. 
    • Student sessions should be about 20 minutes.  
    • The goal is for students to be on Lexia for 60 minutes a week (a little more or less depending on student need).  
    • There are 18 levels total.


    Lexia® Core5® Reading supports educators in providing differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities in grades Pre-K–4. Lexia’s research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction.