2025-2026 Full Day Tuition Pricing*:
Tuition is billed in equal installments and is emailed to the address you provided. It is due on the first day of each month.
Tuition Rates:
School Day 8:30am-3:45pm
3 days per week- $590.00/monthly
4 days per week-$770.00/monthly
5 days per week-$960.00/monthly
School Day with Extended Drop Off 7:15am-3:45pm
3 days per week- $686.00/monthly
4 days per week-$898.00/monthly
5 days per week-$1,128.00/monthly
Extended Day 7:15am-6:00pm
3 days per week- $857.00/monthly
4 days per week- $1,117.00/monthly
5 days per week- $1,430.00/monthly
There will be a 10% late fee for tuition received after the 1st of the month. If a check is returned unpaid for any reason, it will result in a $20 returned check fee and the balance must be paid by cash or money order only. Late payments will compromise your child’s placement in the program. Children with an account past due without a formal payment plan set-up with the billing department will be withdrawn from the program.
- Payments made by credit/debit card will be charged 2.95% of the payment amount.
- Payments made by ACH will be free of charge to the payer.
*Tuition Rates are subject to change.