Crisis Hotlines
- Call 911
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255)
- Michigan Department of Communicty Crisis Hotline 866-289-2641
- Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority (Crisis information & referral helpline) 1-800-241-4949
- Wayne County Crisis Center (24 hours) 313-224-7000
Click here to go to the Dougy Center website, this has a lot of resources to help people when they or someone they love is struggling with grief and loss
How to talk to children about suicide and death
Click here for information a list of book for children dealing with grief and loss
Click here for a Tip Sheet on how Teens can Prevent Suicide
Click here for a handout on Suicidal Thinking and Threats
Click here for an Infographic on how Teens (and others) can Help Prevent Suicide
Click Here to be connected the Kevin's Song, a website with suicide as well as grief and loss resources
University of Michigan Depression Toolkit A comprehensive website with resources and information for those suffering from depression
The Trevor Helpline. National toll-free 24 hours, 365 days-a-year confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning teens.
Click Here for a handout about Depression in Children and Adolescents-good information for parents and educators
Click here for a handout about Depression and Supporting Students at School
Click here for information from the CDC about Depression and Anxiety