Special Education Records

  • To request copies of Special Education records:

    • Please contact the Student Services Office at 313-432-3855 to obtain copies of special education or Section 504 records.   Please do not contact the previous school for special education records.
    • A parent's signature (or the signature of the student if aged 18 or older) is needed, as well as identification.
    • A charge of $.10 per page may be charged.

    Retention of Special Education records:

    • The Student Services Office will retain a file on individuals with a Special Education file, or a Section 504 file, until that individual reaches the age of 66.  Files may be destroyed at that point.
    • Selected documents may be removed from the file upon graduation or leaving the district.    Retained in the file for a minimum of 30 years:   the most current seven IEPS, the initial IEP, all METs and MET psychological evaluations.  After that point, some documents may be removed, but proof of disability will be maintained in each file.
    • These procedures fall well within the State of Michigan guidelines for record retention.