Pierce Athletics and Clubs

  • Athletics $125.00, Clubs $52.00 Arrow Click here to sign up and make payment.

    Pierce Athletics:
    At the middle school level this fee is a one-time $125.00 annual fee and allows the student athlete to participate in multiple interscholastic sports.

    7th & 8th Grade Girl's Volleyball 7th & 8th Grade Boy's Basketball 7th & 8th Grade Girl's Track
    7th & 8th Grade Girl's Basketball  7th & 8th Grade Wrestling  7th & 8th Grade Boy's Track
    Pierce Clubs: At the middle school level this fee is a one-time annual $52 fee and allows the student to participate in multiple club activities.
    6th Grade Girl's Basketball 6th Grade Boy's Basketball Drama Club Swimming
    Art Club Yearbook Club Pierce Fiddlers Jazz Band
    Choir Ensembles Boys/Girls Inklings (Student Literary magazine) Game Club Cross Country Club
    Chess Club 3D Printing Club