Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I register for the sport online before tryouts? 

    Yes, however, payments should not be made until the student has been selected for a team but before the first contest. Select the "SUBMIT" to reserve your registration until your child has been selected for the team. At that point you may log back in to FamilyID to "Pay and re-Submit". 

    What if I don’t make the team?

    Completing sport registration with the payment is not done until after team selection. Students who quit after the deadline for the payment of fees will not have the fee refunded.

    Will I have to pay more than the participation fee?

    It is possible. The fee only covers the cuts in the budget. Additional costs can range from $10 on up, depending on the sport. Coaches are asked to minimize these fees and to provide those costs to
    athletes/parents with as much advance notice as possible. 

    Any fees for spirit gear or practice packs for individual sports should be paid directly to coach with cash or check. They can not be paid through FamilyID at this time. 

    What are the requirements for participation?

    Students must have a completed MHSAA Medical History (physical form) and emergency (gold) card prior to try-outs (available in the athletic office).  Bring the completed physical form and gold card to the athletic office for approval before tryouts.  The physical form has a portion to be filled out by a physician at a sport physical on or after April 15 of the previous school year to be current for this school year. Please make sure to have the physician sign and date the card.  The physical form will remain on file in the athletic office and the gold card will be stamped and returned to the athlete to be given to the coach the first day of tryouts. 

    Students/Parents with concerns over the ability to pay this fee should contact the Athletic Director of your child's school.

    Additional questions:

    North - 313-432-3216

    South - 313-432-3541