Family & Community Engagement

  • Goal 1: GPPSS will develop and nurture strong connections among schools, families and the community to broaden opportunities for student learning and growth


    Objective: Foster effective and meaningful connections among GPPSS community resources including our schools, businesses, advisory groups, civic organizations and community groups

    Implementation: Build a comprehensive structure for defining strategic partnerships, setting expectations, monitoring performance and measuring quality

    Collaborate with stakeholders to develop Community Partnerships for:

    • Career & Technical Education (CTE)
    • Connection with local experts in the field (career days, class speakers, CTE Fair, Co-op)
    • Funding of strategic projects
    • Wrap-around support
    • More school to school activities (extracurricular, co-curricular, service)


    GOAL 2: GPPSS will attract and retain students through intentional, efficient and timely communication that increases trust and transparency


    Objective: Publish a comprehensive communications plan utilizing the RPIE (Research, Plan, Implement, Evaluate) process with a focus on:


    Implementation: Engagement & outreach for new residents, those with children ages 0-4, those with children in GPPSS, those with children K-12 not currently in GPPSS (private and parochial), alumni and senior citizens

    • Surveys of all constituents including students, staff, families, community members and alumni
    • Parent participation as measured by Parent Teacher Conferences, PTO participation, attendance at school events, clickthrough rates on communications
    • Develop and implement a plan that will engage all stakeholders in two-way communication through accurate, timely information using email, web, social media, voice, broadcast/livestreamed and written media.
    • Educate staff on the need for branded materials, provide training on select tools