Curriculum, Instruction & Student Learning

  • Goal 1: GPPSS will cultivate a robust and equitable educational community where all learners are empowered to reach their unique potential


    Objective: Provide all students a rigorous and relevant curriculum that is aligned from pre-K through graduation

    Implementation: Revise the current EPLC process to reflect the district vision and mission

    Develop a robust, equitable and rigorous Program of Studies that meets the needs of all students

    • Revise the curriculum to reflect the diversity of our community
    • Empower the Race, Equity and Inclusion (REI) Council to serve as an advisory board to support staff through meaningful professional learning that cultivates a sense of belonging within the learning community
    • Provide ongoing opportunities for student choice and voice across all disciplines
    • Ensure that students of all abilities are offered consistent and systemic support needed to reach their potential


    Objective: Deliver effective instruction for all students


    Formative assessment

    • Utilize formative and summative assessment to provide descriptive feedback and inform instruction

    Meaningful feedback

    • Provide multiple modes of feedback for deeper student understanding
    • Foster greater dialogue amongst students and stakeholders

    Grading for equity

    • Implement grading practices to ensure grades only reflect what students know and are able to do
    • Ensure multiple pathways for students to demonstrate mastery of content
    • Identify multiple opportunities for students to move forward on the learning continuum
    • Demonstrate mastery through meaningful and relevant guided practice

    Trauma informed, culturally responsive and researched based practices

    • Cultivate resilience to ensure students are engaged in learning and life
    • Utilize restorative practices and trauma informed behavioral approaches to maximize sense of belonging
    • Implement strategies to support students as they overcome adverse childhood experiences
    • Allocate resources as the district continues to navigate healing and recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic and reconfiguration


    Objective: Nurture staff and students’ intellectual, physical, mental and social-emotional growth in a healthy, safe and supportive environment


    Create a sense of belonging and intentionally plan for the social/emotional well-being of all stakeholders

    • Establish and promote a culture of physical and mental wellness
    • Implement an evidence-based curriculum that focuses on physical, social, emotional, and mental health through GPPSS and/or community partnerships

    Provide all staff intentional and relevant professional development opportunities

    • Provide re-imagined, experiential learning that is relevant and responsive
    • Sustain learning in the areas of, Restorative Practice (RP), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Race, Equity and Inclusion (REI), curriculum implementation, and evidence/research based strategies
    • Gather feedback from staff via PD feedback forms and the annual staff survey as well as meetings with union representatives


    GOAL 2: GPPSS will attract, retain and develop a talented and diverse staff that supports, nurtures and grows all learners


    Objective: Cultivate a talented and diverse workforce who support, nurture and grow all students.


    Establish intentional and focused recruitment efforts to bolster a diverse applicant pool while tracking demographics annually

    • Incorporate inclusive hiring practices
    • Provide growth and leadership opportunities through meaningful, high-quality, and relevant professional learning opportunities as assessed by annual staff survey and PD feedback forms
    • Promote employee health, wellness, sense of belonging and engagement, as assessed by annual staff survey