• 2016 0522 2035 gppss preschool tuition analysis 

    From: Ismail, Ahmed (GPPSS)
    Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 11:54:50 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    To: School Board; Howell, Keith
    Cc: Ahmed Ismail (Studio)
    Subject: May 23 Information and Discussion - Pre-School Program Tuitions

    Hello all,


    As you know, based on the inability of the public to access Agenda Items M and N, I have asked that they be moved to Information and Discussion.


    Much has been said about viewing the Infant Program, the Toddler Program and the Pre-K Programs as one program when in fact they are three distinct and discreet programs as evidenced by the three income and expense statements provided to us by the administration.


    That being said, attached is a spreadsheet showing the financial implications of keeping our present pricing structure under which the Pre-K parents are subsidizing the Infant and Toddler parents versus one in which all are paying their own way.


    One thing that came out of this analysis is that even if we do combine all three programs for the purposes of reaching a cost and revenue neutral goal, they are not there.  Note the combined loss in both 2015-16 and 2016-17.  If I have made a calculation error on this, please let me know and I will be happy to correct.


    Thank you,





    Ahmed Ismail, Trustee

    Grosse Pointe Public School System

    Phone: 313-343-9060 (The Portrait Place - 10am-5pm)

    Email: ismaila@gpschools.com


    Notice to Recipient:  The views expressed in this transmittal and its attachments (if any) are those of its author individually and are not necessarily shared by the other members of the Grosse Pointe Public School System's Board of Trustees and/or its administration.  If you would like the official school board position on an issue or would like to communicate to all of the members of the school board at once, please send your email to schoolboard@gpschools.org.  Thank you.