• From: Cindy Pangborn [mailto:cindypangborn@gmail.com]
    Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 7:21 AM
    To: Niehaus, Gary
    Cc: Margaret Weertz; Dean, Jon; Brian Summerfield; Lois Valente; Fenton, Christian; Daniel Roeske; Niehaus, Gary; <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>; Judy Gafa
    Subject: Fwd: Santa Breakfast at Montieth


    Hi Gary,

    Just wanted to add what a great Santa Brunch was held at Montieth on Saturday.  Our "Ask Grandma" club was on hand to read Christmas stories and help flip pancakes.

    Sent from my iPad

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Elizabeth Wakefield <liz2mewakefield@icloud.com>
    Date: December 12, 2015 at 2:07:01 PM EST
    To: cindypangborn@gmail.com
    Subject: Santa Breakfast at Montieth

    Santa Breakfast