• From: Lois Valente <valentl@gpschools.com>
    Date: September 28, 2015 at 4:16:52 PM EDT
    To: Judy Gafa <gafaj@gpschools.com>
    Cc: "Niehaus, Gary" <Gary.Niehaus@gpschools.org>, "MMcInerney@clarkhill.com" <MMcInerney@clarkhill.com>, "ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com" <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>, Brian Summerfield <summerb@gpschools.com>, Cindy Pangborn <cindypangborn@gmail.com>, Dan Roeske <roesked@gpschools.com>, Margaret Weertz <weertzm@gpschools.com>, "Fenton, Christian" <Christian.Fenton@gpschools.org>, "Dean, Jon" <Michael.Dean@gpschools.org>, "Truance, Janet" <Janet.Truance@gpschools.org>
    Subject: Re: MASB Conference

    Gary, Add me to the list as well.  Ill attend Saturday and Sunday so I will need hotel reservation for Friday night and Saturday night.




    On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Judy Gafa <gafaj@gpschools.com> wrote:


     I will be attending the conference but will reimburse the district for all cost associated with the conference.  I will attend Friday and Saturday.  I agree that there is value in attending the conference but I also recognize the financial constraints the district has been in, our staff has taken pay cuts and I feel for me, the right thing to do is pay for myself.  Janet please send me the invoices and I will reimburse the district

    Thank You

    Judy Gafa


    On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Niehaus, Gary <Gary.Niehaus@gpschools.org> wrote:

    Dear Board Members,


    I have heard that Judy, Dan, Brian and Ahmed are planning to attend the MASB Conference in Traverse City.  Janet needs to register all of you for  the MASB conference.  She can make hotel reservations for all of you through MASB.  The hotel will be the Holiday Inn Express since the Resort is sold out.  The registration will be paid by GPPSS when you are registered.  The hotel, meals and mileage have been reimbursable for previous board members according to Chris Fenton.  Recently, board members have not submitted for reimbursement in the financial times we have faced.


    So if a board member plans to attend then please call or email Janet so she can get you registered through MASB.


