From: Judy Gafa <gafaj@gpschools.com>
Date: September 27, 2015 at 6:34:40 PM EDT
To: Margaret Weertz <weertzm@gpschools.com>, "Niehaus, Gary" <Gary.Niehaus@gpschools.org>, "Dean, Jon" <Michael.Dean@gpschools.org>
Cc: Daniel Roeske <RoeskeD@gpschools.com>, Brian Summerfield <summerb@gpschools.com>, Lois Valente <valentl@gpschools.com>, "Pangborn, Cindy" <cindypangborn@gmail.com>, Ahmed Ismail <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>, "Fenton, Christian (GPPSS)" <Christian.Fenton@gpschools.org>
Subject: Strategic Plan CommitteeFirst I would like to thank you for your hard work so far. I was wondering though. I had designated both Brian and Ahmed to serve as board members on the committee and I noticed Ahmed was on the alternates list. I was not sure if there was a reason or if this was an oversight.
Thank you
Judy Gafa