• From: Judy Gafa
    Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 6:21:47 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    To: School Board
    Subject: Fwd: Enrollment/FTE Report

    Fellow Trustees,
    We did receive an update via email earlier this week that a section would be added to Trombly as the district was under budget and had an additional FTE available.  The board was also informed that an additional section of kindergarten was added to Poupard.  As we all know enrollment, especially at the kindergarten level is very fluid at the end of summer. Historically as well, past boards have stated that 26 students in a kindergarten class generally tips a new section to be added.  Our administrators work extremely hard to do what is in the best interest of all students.  
    Judy Gafa

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Niehaus, Gary <Gary.Niehaus@gpschools.org>
    Date: Friday, September 4, 2015
    Subject: Enrollment/FTE Report
    To: Cindy Pangborn <cindypangborn@gmail.com>
    Cc: "Dean, Jon" <Michael.Dean@gpschools.org>, Judy Gafa <gafaj@gpschools.com>



    You have an email with the current elementary school enrollment numbers.  Jon has sent the enrollment numbers to the administrative team today.  You now have a copy for your review.


    I would be glad to talk with you about our decision on the Trombley and Poupard kindergarten classes.


    I hope you have a great weekend.





    From: Cindy Pangborn [mailto:cindypangborn@gmail.com
    Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 11:41 AM
    To: Niehaus, Gary
    Cc: Dean, Jon; Fenton, Christian
    Subject: Re: Enrollment/FTE Report



    I would like to know today the kindergarten numbers for all of our elementary schools.  The parents from Trombly are already bragging about 13 - 14  in their class.  I received a call this morning from a Richard parent wanting to know of this is true and how many students will be in all the other kindergarten classes.  I do not agree in  hiring  another kindergarten teacher at Trombly.  We have added aids to kindergarten in the past, when the number reached 24. We can not afford to single out one school for preferential treatment. If we are going to use private school numbers for one kindergarten class we need to do this for all our kindergarten students.  We need to see the comparisons in numbers today. How is it that the Board does not have these numbers given class assignments were given out to the students last week?


    Sent from my iPa

    On Sep 4, 2015, at 10:51 AM, "Niehaus, Gary" <Gary.Niehaus@gpschools.org> wrote:



    I understand you were inquiring about enrollment numbers.  Jon Dean will update and present the new numbers to me today.  Please call me if you have any questions.





    From: Dean, Jon 
    Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 10:15 AM
    To: Niehaus, Gary
    Subject: FW: Enrollment/FTE Report




    Let me know if you want me to put something together.  I’ve attached an updated enrollment report that I have ‘active’ at all times.  If you want me to send this to the BOE I’ll need to make a couple of adjustments since I only updated the POU and TRO K.   The other numbers are from last Friday.   Typically, this is sent to the entire BOE early in each September.  I could certainly create a cover letter and get it in the packet this weekend.




    M. Jon Dean

    Deputy Superintendent for Educational Services

    Grosse Pointe Public School System

    313.432.3015      jon.dean@gpschools.org

    twitter: @jdeanlearner


    From: Judy Gafa [mailto:gafaj@gpschools.com
    Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 9:09 AM
    To: Niehaus, Gary; Dean, Jon
    Subject: Fwd: Enrollment/FTE Report


    Can we please get an update.  Do we have other hotspots

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Brian Summerfield <summerb@gpschools.com>
    Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2015
    Subject: Enrollment/FTE Report
    To: Judy Gafa <GafaJ@gpschools.com>

    Are we getting a current enrollment/FTE report? After the Trombly situation, I am wondering what the status is at Poupard. I think Poupard had 21 kindergarteners when we met as the Finance Committee. I doubt it is still that low given last minute registrations. I'm also wondering if there are other hotspots. I particularly worry about Poupard because it is my impression that parents there are less inclined to organize and let us know that there is an issue (and that is more true for first time parents). I'm even more troubled by large class sizes there because our "intra-district school of choice" transfer policy allowed several students to leave Poupard. If those students had not been allowed to transfer out of Poupard, would there be two smaller sections of kindergarten? If the answer to that is yes, then our transfer policy is adversely affecting the education of our students (at least to the extent that evidence-based studies have repeatedly shown that students at that age benefit from smaller class size).




    <Elementary Class Size_2010 to 2016 Projected 090215.pdf>