• ________________________________________
    From: ValentL
    Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 6:59:36 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    To: School Board
    Cc: Fenton, Christian; Fannon, Rebecca; cindypangborn@gmail.com; 'Daniel Roeske' (roesked@gpschools.com) (roesked@gpschools.com); summerb@gpschools.com; Ahmed Ismail (ahmed.ismail@comcast.net); weertzm@aol.com; gafaj@gpschools.com; gcniehaus52@gmail.com
    Subject: Re: Trombly Kindergarten Email

    Nice work.  Kindergarten enrollment is always a bit challenging to forecast.


    > On Sep 1, 2015, at 6:54 PM, School Board <SchoolBoard@gpschools.org> wrote:
    > ________________________________
    > From: Dean, Jon
    > Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 6:54:31 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    > To: School Board
    > Cc: Niehaus, Gary; Fenton, Christian
    > Subject: Trombly Kindergarten Email
    > Dear BOE Members,
    > Earlier this afternoon administration started the process to add a 2nd kindergarten section at Trombly.  I am sending the following email to each parent that has contacted me:
    > Thanks for contacting me regarding the kindergarten staffing at Trombly for the 2015-16 school year.  During the past 24 hours Mr. Fitzpatrick has been connecting with each of the enrolled kindergarten families at Trombly and has confirmed that at this time all of them intend to send their child to kindergarten at Trombly next week.  Given that we have confirmed this enrollment, Mr. Fitzpatrick has started the process of identifying a second kindergarten teacher that will be able to serve at Trombly starting next week.  Assuming enrollment continues to hold, we will have this new teacher in place by the end of the week and we will have all students assigned to one of the two teachers.
    > Please contact Mr. Fitzpatrick me if you have any questions.
    > Jon Dean
    > M. Jon Dean
    > Deputy Superintendent for Educational Services
    > Grosse Pointe Public School System
    > 313.432.3015      jon.dean@gpschools.org<mailto:jon.dean@gpschools.org>
    > twitter: @jdeanlearner