From: Judy Gafa
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:14:23 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: School Board
Subject: Fwd: Today's Meeting
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Balconis <balconis@aol.com<mailto:balconis@aol.com>>
Date: May 5, 2015 at 3:43:51 PM EDT
To: GafaJ <2158mos@comcast.net<mailto:2158mos@comcast.net>>
Subject: Fwd: Today's Meeting
Please see the attached agenda for tonight's PTO Council meeting at 7 pm. We welcome a board member's attendance tonight or at future meetings. This is our final meeting for the school year and meetings will resume the first Tuesday of each month starting again in September.
Thank you in advance for forwarding to other board members.
Best wishes,
Michelle Balconi
p: 313-310-9115
Sent from my iPhone - please pardon any typos :)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kim Clexton <clextonmom@yahoo.com<mailto:clextonmom@yahoo.com>>
Date: May 5, 2015 at 12:14:46 PM EDT
To: Kim Clexton <clextonmom@yahoo.com<mailto:clextonmom@yahoo.com>>, Rebecca Fannon <rebecca.fannon@gpschools.org<mailto:rebecca.fannon@gpschools.org>>, Renee Palazzolo <renee.palazzolo@aam.com<mailto:renee.palazzolo@aam.com>>, Anne Nearhood <annenearhood@sbcglobal.net<mailto:annenearhood@sbcglobal.net>>, Lakisha Barclift-Jones <lbarcliftlaw@gmail.com<mailto:lbarcliftlaw@gmail.com>>, Elena Graves <kehgraves@yahoo.com<mailto:kehgraves@yahoo.com>>, Renee Jakubowski <gobluerb@yahoo.com<mailto:gobluerb@yahoo.com>>, Mary Montgomery <mc1675@yahoo.com<mailto:mc1675@yahoo.com>>, Michelle Kramer <mekmlk@att.net<mailto:mekmlk@att.net>>, Anne Bowlby <anne.bowlby@scouting.org<mailto:anne.bowlby@scouting.org>>, Laura Nealssohn <lnealssohn@gmail.com<mailto:lnealssohn@gmail.com>>, Christie Scoggin <cscoggin@aol.com<mailto:cscoggin@aol.com>>, Michelle Balconi <balconis@aol.com<mailto:balconis@aol.com>>, Thomas Harwood <thomas.harwood@gpschools.org<mailto:thomas.harwood@gpschools.org>>, Juli Rybicki <rybicki4@gmail.com<mailto:rybicki4@gmail.com>>, Jane Nugent <jnugent@comcast.net<mailto:jnugent@comcast.net>>, Gemila Loper <gemilagl@gmail.com<mailto:gemilagl@gmail.com>>, Kathy Fisk <kathy.fisk@comcast.net<mailto:kathy.fisk@comcast.net>>, Tom Jenny <tandmjenny@yahoo.com<mailto:tandmjenny@yahoo.com>>, Erin O'Mara <eomara3@gmail.com<mailto:eomara3@gmail.com>>, Erin O'Mara <erinomara3@gmail.com<mailto:erinomara3@gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: Today's Meeting
Reply-To: Kim Clexton <clextonmom@yahoo.com<mailto:clextonmom@yahoo.com>>
Good Afternoon All!
Late again!! We meet tonight at 7pm in the Board Room of 389 St. Clair. Attached are the minutes from April, and tonight's Agenda. This is our final meeting for the year and we must elect the President and Treasurer for the 2015-17 term.
Kim Clexton
PTO Council