From: Ahmed Ismail []Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 6:13 AM
To: 'Judy Gafa'
Cc: Roeske, Daniel (GPPSS); Summerfield, Brian (GPPSS); 'Weertz, Margaret'; 'Pangborn, Cindy'; 'Valente, Lois (GPPSS)'; Fenton, Christian
Subject: Tonight's Meeting Time Change; My Updated Data Points Compilation
Judy et al,
I may have trouble getting back for a 6pm meeting. It will all depend on how long my 4pm meeting runs and the traffic I run into on my way back from Birmingham.
More of a concern to me is how you go about letting people know that we are moving it from the agenda time of 6:30pm. It will be a PR disaster to potentially have people show up for public comment after we have already voted. As an example, I have sent dozens of copies of the agenda out to people who have asked for information on how we will go about making our final choice.
On a semi related not, attached is my updated compilation.
See you all tonight,