    From: Ahmed Ismail [ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com]
    Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 7:13 AM
    To: 'Judy Gafa'
    Cc: 'Roeske, Daniel (GPPSS)'; 'Summerfield, Brian (GPPSS)'; 'Weertz, Margaret'; 'Pangborn, Cindy'; 'Valente, Lois (GPPSS)'; Fenton, Christian
    Subject: Why Put People Through This?

    Judy et al,

    I downloaded a copy of the agenda from the website last night.  It said 6:30pm.  Sometime between now and then, a new 6pm version has been posted on which the document generation date was never updated.

    Why not err on the side of conservatism?  It will hurt no one if we start the meeting at 6:30pm.  No one can complain that they weren't given an opportunity to speak.  What is happening later in the evening that necessitates not being cautious and prudent?

    I am not going to drive on the freeway in rush hour and try to telecommute into the meeting.  My life and the life of those driving adjacent to me isn't worth the risk.  I wouldn't ask that of anyone on our board.  Why am I being put into this position less than 24 hours before the meeting?

    I will have limited email access today, so I guess you'll all have to do what you think is the right thing to do.  I hope these is a VERY god reason why the meeting can't possible start at 6:30pm.


    From: Judy Gafa [mailto:gafaj@gpschools.com]
    Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 6:29 AM
    To: ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com
    Cc: Roeske, Daniel (GPPSS); Summerfield, Brian (GPPSS); Weertz, Margaret; Pangborn, Cindy; Valente, Lois (GPPSS); Fenton, Christian (GPPSS)
    Subject: Re: Tonight's Meeting Time Change; My Updated Data Points Compilation

    This meeting was announced and posted for 6pm.  If you are stuck in traffic per our by laws you can participate remotely by phone.
    Since it is posted and has been posted for 6pm on the district calendar there should not be an issue PR wise
    Judy Gafa

    On Monday, May 4, 2015, Ahmed Ismail <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com<mailto:ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>> wrote:
    Judy et al,

    I may have trouble getting back for a 6pm meeting.  It will all depend on how long my 4pm meeting runs and the traffic I run into on my way back from Birmingham.

    More of a concern to me is how you go about letting people know that we are moving it from the agenda time of 6:30pm.  It will be a PR disaster to potentially have people show up for public comment after we have already voted.  As an example, I have sent dozens of copies of the agenda out to people who have asked for information on how we will go about making our final choice.

    On a semi related not, attached is my updated compilation.

    See you all tonight,
