    From: Ahmed Ismail <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>
    Date: May 2, 2015 at 3:42:44 PM EDT
    To: 'Judy Gafa' <gafaj@gpschools.com>
    Cc: "Roeske, Daniel (GPPSS)" <roesked@gpschools.com>, "'Valente, Lois (GPPSS)'" <valentl@gpschools.com>, "'Pangborn, Cindy'" <cindypangborn@gmail.com>, "'Weertz, Margaret'" <weertzm@aol.com>, "Summerfield, Brian (GPPSS)" <summerb@gpschools.com>, "'Fenton, Christian (GPPSS)'" <Christian.Fenton@gpschools.org>, "Lobert, Larry" <larry@larrylobert.com>
    Subject: An Invaluable Resource
    Reply-To: <ahmed@portraitplacegpw.com>

    Hello all,

    After talking to the superintendent candidate references we each were assigned to call, I decided to reach out to people who I have met over the years through MASB to find out who knew what about the candidates.  After all, no one puts a name on a reference list who isn't going to give them glowing reviews.

    It dawned on me that one of my MASB first instructors over a decade ago, Mary Kerwin, was president of the Troy school board for many, many years.  I tracked Mary down today and we had a nice chat about what she was up to these days as well as her years on the Troy school board and the board's relationship with Dr. Matthews. 

    Mary was kind enough to offer to talk to each of us one-on-one, board member-to-board member to answer any questions we have and to give us the pros and cons of Dr. Matthews.

    Mary's phone number is 248-879-7909.  If you want to ask her questions about Dr. Matthews or about school board governance or anything else related to education or how things run in Troy, she is an invaluable resource.  Please take the time to call her--she has forgotten more about school board governance and school system operation than any of us will ever know.

    See you all Monday night,
