Background Information & Procedures for Proposing and Developing a Personal Curriculum


    The Grosse Pointe Public Schools recognizes the importance of maintaining a rigorous, relevant curriculum for all students. The awarding of a diploma should be a meaningful achievement which signifies that a student has demonstrated proficiency in the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) as established by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and met the rigorous graduation standards approved by the Grosse Pointe Public Schools Board of Education.
    The Board recognizes that the State of Michigan allows exceptions to the MMC requirements through a process known as a Personal Curriculum (PC). 
    The PC is a process to modify specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on the individual learning needs of a student.  It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the MMC and district requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC and district graduation requirements.
    The PC process was developed to help students and parents understand when it may be appropriate to use a PC option to modify the MMC and graduation requirements.  Students and/or parents may propose a PC in the following circumstances:
    • To go beyond the academic credit requirements by adding more math, science, English language arts, or world
       languages credits.
    • To modify the mathematics requirement.
    • To modify, if necessary, the credit requirements of a student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
    • To modify credit requirements for a student who transfers from out of state or from a nonpublic school and is unable to meet the MMC requirements.

    PC modifications must align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or High School Content Expectations (HSCE) as practicable and must not create barriers that limit a student’s opportunity to be engaged in a rigorous curriculum. The legislative intent of the PC is to individualize the rigor and relevance of the educational experience.  In this context, “practicable” is an inclusive term meaning as much of the subject area content expectations as possible during high school instruction.  Students with an IEP operate under this same context.

    While every request to modify a student’s graduation requirements should be considered, the district may deny a PC request if:

    • The request does not comply with state statute.
    • Other options for meeting the student’s educational needs have not been documented.
    • The requested PC is not in the best interest of the student.
    • The members of the PC development team cannot reach agreement.

    PC development and identification of practicable content begins with:

    • Identification of the student’s career pathway.
    • Requirements for achieving career and postsecondary goals.
    • An analysis of the student’s current and past levels of performance, including student strengths, which will be enhanced through the PC (i.e., transcript and formal and informal assessment data).
    • Identification of the courses and other educational experiences the student needs to progress along the career pathway and achieve postsecondary goals [as identified in the Educational Development Plan (EDP)].

    The PC modifications should:

    • Facilitate progress along the student’s career pathway and the achievement of postsecondary goals.
    • Enhance the relevance of the student’s educational experience.
    • Provide access to MMC content knowledge, processes, and skills.
    • Provide full access to statewide assessments.
    • Provide a gateway to employment and productive adult living.
    • Maintain the integrity of the diploma.

    Modifications Not Allowed: There are no modifications to credit requirements allowed in the following areas (exceptions may apply for students with an IEP or transfer students):

    • English Language Arts
    • Civics/Government
    • Science
    • Online Learning Experiences
    • World Languages

    The link below is from the Grosse Pointe Public Schools High School Program of Studies lists the graduation requirements necessary to obtain a diploma from a Grosse Pointe North or Grosse Pointe South.

    Additional Resources:

    Michigan Department of Education – Personal Curriculum Parent and Educator Guide


    Michigan Department of Education – Personal Curriculum Supplement to the Parent and Educator Guide


    Michigan Department of Education – Personal Curriculum FAQ