Rising Freshman Scheduling Process for Students New to GPPSS 2025-2026
- Review our GPPSS high school Program of Studies.
- You may want to sketch out ideas for a four-year plan Click this link and make a copy to edit your plan.
- The Freshmen Course Offerings is a great place to see only those courses available to 9th-grade students. At the bottom of this form is a place to write class choices.
- Check out the Rising Freshmen Course Presentation and Rising Freshmen Video on this page.
- Enroll with the GPPSS
- Make an appointment with the South Counselor your student will likely be assigned. Counselors are divided by student's last name. Click on the counselor's name to make an appointment.
- Jennifer Vick A-D
- Nick Bernbeck E-Ke
- Troy Glasser Kl-M
- Beth Walsh-Sahutske N--Sn
- Ashley Hester So-Z
- Once you have enrolled in the district, counselors will input your course selections. You will be sent a confirmation email in the spring reminding you of the courses you selected for next fall.
- In August, students will receive their schedule at Student Registration.
Rising Freshman Scheduling Process for Current GPPSS Middle School Students
- Review our GPPSS high school program Program of Studies.
- You may want to sketch out ideas for a four-year plan. Click this link and make a copy to edit your plan.
- Check out the Rising Freshmen Course Presentation and Rising Freshmen Video on this page.
- School Counselors at Brownell and Pierce will meet with you to work through the course selection process at the end of January/beginning of February. They will provide course selection sheets which will be submitted to them.
- In the spring, the administration will mail home a reminder of the courses you selected and offer you the opportunity to make any changes you wish. Once this change window closes, there will not be any more family-initiated schedule changes for fall.
- In August, students will receive their schedule at Student Registration.
Current GP South Rising Sophomores through Seniors
January 29-Feb 5: Students meet with current teachers to get course recommendations and, together with their families, select courses for next year. Parents should electronically sign their approval on the Course Selection Google Doc that their student shares with them.
February 26- February 28: Counselors will meet with students during their English Class to input their course selections and complete their Educational Development Plan (Career Assessments) on Naviance
April/May: Administration will mail home a letter reminding parents of the courses their student has registered for and offer the opportunity to change for any reason. Once the deadline for changes has passed, there will be no more schedule changes.
May/June: Counselors will work to create a schedule for students that meets all core academic requests and as many elective requests as possible.
August: Students will receive their schedule at student registration
Schedule ChangesSchedule changes will be approved only for the following reasons:-
A student has taken a summer school class that negates the need for a scheduled fall class or failed a class in the spring that needs to be rescheduled for fall.
Schedule errors due to computer errors. For example: students have been scheduled for two tutorials in the same semester or two semester English classes in the same semester.
Balancing classes to facilitate and improve student-to-teacher ratios
We will not be able to accommodate requests for class period changes, teacher changes, lunch hour changes, or additions to classes that are closed.