• Essentials Math Sequence

    The Essentials Mathematics Sequence gives students exposure to and experience with the same concepts that are presented in the College Prep Mathematics Sequence. Topics are usually presented at a slower pace and with less rigor. Scientific and/or graphing calculators are used in these courses to enhance learning and supplement topics. Support classes, which run concurrently with the regular math courses, are also offered within this sequence to provide additional assistance for students as they work to meet the curriculum expectations.

    This support class is taken concurrently with Algebra I and provides additional support for students as they work to meet the curriculum expectations of Algebra I. Course content includes additional instruction on the concepts taught in class, previews of upcoming lessons, homework assistance, and quiz and test preparation.
    318 – ALGEBRA I
    This course is a traditional approach to the study of first year Algebra concepts. This Algebra I course builds on the study of functions and representations begun in the middle school grades. Students will learn to simplify and factor expressions, solve linear and quadratic equations, and systems of equations. Students will study families of functions and their graphs including linear, quadratic, polynomial, power, and exponential. Using these functions, students will model real-world situations using data and solve related problems. A scientific and/or graphing calculator will be used to supplement topics.
    This support class is taken concurrently with Geometry and provides additional support for students as they work to meet the curriculum expectations of Geometry. Course content includes additional instruction on the concepts taught in class, previews of upcoming lessons, homework assistance, and quiz and test preparation.
    350 – GEOMETRY 
    This course covers the major topics of plane geometry such as parallelism, congruency, similarity, coordinates, transformations, measurement formulas, trigonometry, two and three dimensional figures, logic, and proof writing with an emphasis on insight rather than traditional rigorous proof. Applications of various geometric concepts are stressed. Algebraic and computational skills are reviewed and reinforced throughout the course.
    This support class is taken concurrently with Algebra II and provides additional support for students as they work to meet the curriculum expectations of Algebra II. Course content includes additional instruction on the concepts taught in class, previews of upcoming lessons, homework assistance, and quiz and test preparation.
    319 – ALGEBRA II
    This course emphasizes facility with algebraic expressions and forms, especially linear and quadratic forms, powers and roots, and functions and relations such as conics based on these concepts. Students study logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial and rational functions in addition to probability, data analysis, sequences and series for modeling real-world situations. A graphing calculator is used throughout.  This course is also offered over two years as 319A and 319B.  Students choosing this option must complete both years.
    This course extends the sequence from variables to relation to functions and includes using functions as models for applied settings. Geometric and Algebraic concepts are connected to topics in probability, statistics and trigonometry and functions are developed through graphical approaches aided by technology.