• bronco
    Mr. Ernst
    Voicemail - 432-5353

    Email - ernstc@gpschools.org

    Welcome to Mr. Ernst's
    6th grade Informational Reading and Writing and Journalism Webpage.

    Where everyday is a great day to be a Bronco!

    "Genius without education is like silver in the mine." -- Benjamin Franklin
    Click the "Edmodo" logo to check out my Edmodo
    group pages for each class
    Click on the book to get started.
    Your ID is: brownell6
    Your password is: brownell6
    The Grosse Pointe Times visited our journalism classroom in the spring and reporter April Lehmbeck wrote a great article about our kids. Click below to read the article in the Grosse Pointe Times
    This website is designed to assist students and parents identify what is assigned in class and when it is due. The informational classes will find out what is planned for the week at the beginning of each week. Please understand that these plans are always tentative.  
    For all journalism students and parents, you will find the monthly calendar with all the deadlines, assignments, and other important dates for the class. Different due dates for different classes will be identified on the calendar in parenthesis.

    For students who are absent or forgot their assignment books at school, the assignment link will inform you of what was done for the day and what is due for the next school day.




    In need of a novel? Can not find a story that grabs your attention? Try some of these novels in the links library.