• hemi
    Mrs. Corden
    Phone:  313- 432-5521
      This year we will be learning about geography, history, economics, government forms and cultures in the Eastern Hemisphere. Use the links to the right, to stay updated on assignments, important dates and to access the online book page. 
      Students and parents can stay current with student progress by checking Pinnacle on a regular basis.  Grades are determined on the basis of tests/quizzes, projects, current events, and homework/class
    notebooks.  Unless otherwise specified, work will be accepted up to two days late, with a reduction of one grade per each late day. 
      Students are encouraged to bring their required supplies on a daily basis and to have constant access to class notebooks.  Notebooks are to remain in the classroom unless otherwise specified.
      To make this a year of successful growth and learning, please always strive to come prepared, and with open minds and enthusiasm!  It's a cool, curious world out there!