Welcome to 6th & 7th grade science!
Ms. Susan Jordan
Voicemail # 313-432-5848
Brownell Middle School
260 Chalfonte Ave.
Grosse Pointe, MI 48236
We have switched to using Schoology. Assignments will now be posted on that site.
Each student has their own username and password. You will need this information from your child to view this site. We will be using Schoology for our grade book, and will be taking our electronic tests/quizzes on Edmodo (until we transition to online tests with schoology).
I am available to meet with students before school or after school with an appointment. I generally arrive to school by 7:45 a.m. if students need help or assistance.
grades are weighted (0.5x tests; 0.25x quizzes; 0.125x assignments; 0.125x homework)
Need a tutor for your child? The Student Services Office maintains a list of available tutors. If you would like a list of certified teachers available for tutoring please contact Student Services (313-432-3853).
Students are expected to complete between 10-15 minutes of homework nightly, Monday through Thursday of each week. This homework primarily consists of reviewing their science binders. To show they have completed this nightly homework they should have evidence of studying. This means they should have highlighted key ideas, expanded their answers or drawn diagrams. This all should be done in color (highlighters, markers, colored pencils or ink pens). Google Classroom will list any additional assignments.