Mrs. Dempsey and Mr. Whitefleet
are chuffed to announce that
the 2025 School Musical is:If you want to be in the cast, we have roles for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders!
We also need 7th and 8th graders for STAGE CREW!
click on the survey link (upper left) and submit your info.
We will have a meeting for all interested students on
Tuesday, February 25 after school.We will start casting lead roles in February after the break. All tryout information will
be in our Schoology Group. You must fill out the survey form to get into the group.Rehearsals for leads begin right after the major roles have been cast.
You don't try out for the ensemble, just come to the first meeting
Ensembles start rehearsing in March.
This year, the play performances will be in May. See below.
Performance dates are:Wednesday, May 7 Elementary MatinéesThursday, May 8 - 7 PM performanceFriday, May 9 - 7 PM performance
Mrs. Dempsey - Director
TBA - Music Director
Mr. Whitefleet - Producer - email: whiteft@gpschools.org