• Athletics and Activities Code of Conduct

    JCDD    MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR                                              JCDD



    The Grosse Pointe Public School System’s Middle School Code of Conduct for Athletics and Extra-curricular Activities defines eligibility, explains attendance procedures, and identifies behavior expectations and disciplinary consequences for all middle school students who  participate in athletics and extra-curricular activities.


    As a valuable part of the middle school educational process, participation in athletics and extra-curricular activities provides students with opportunities to develop both individual talents and team skills. In practice and in competition, middle school students learn the essentials of fair play, honesty, and obedience to rules.


    Because students represent their school, they are expected to be exemplars of strong character, excellent behavior, and good sportsmanship.  Because education is the primary goal and helping students make good decisions is the main objective, middle school activity sponsors and coaches will reinforce the expectation of good behavior and academic performance of participants and will maintain regular communications with school personnel.


    Because activities function best when all members are present, students are expected to have consistent attendance in athletics and extra-curricular activities in order to remain eligible for continued participation.


    Approved:  June 15, 2004

    Approved:  June 15, 2004


    JCDD-R         MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR                     JCDD-R



    Eligibility for participation in middle school athletics and extra-curricular activities


    During the first two weeks of the activity or sport, students must carry a weekly eligibility sheet (JCDD-R2) to all classes and turn it in to the assistant principal or designee at the end of the school day on Friday. To participate in an extracurricular activity, a student must be passing a minimum of five class equivalents, and must have a maximum of 21 (grades 7-8) or 24 (grade 6) points each for effort and conduct for all seven class equivalents on the weekly eligibility sheet. To maintain eligibility, a student must be passing at least 5 classes and have total weekly points for either effort or conduct that do not exceed 21 (7th and 8th graders) or 24 (6th graders).   

    ·         If the ratings for two weeks demonstrate passing academic work and appropriate effort and conduct in class, a student no longer needs to carry an eligibility sheet. 


    ·        Students whose eligibility sheet indicates possible problems must continue to carry the weekly sheet.  Efforts will be made to support those students so they can achieve school success and participate in athletics and extra-curricular activities.


    ·        If circumstances warrant, the assistant principal may, at any time, reinstate the requirement that a student carry an eligibility sheet.  


    ·        The first time more than 21/24 points for either effort or conduct appears on an eligibility sheet or a student is passing less than five classes, that student’s eligibility is in jeopardy and the assistant principal counsels the student to improve his or her effort or conduct.  The second time more than 21/24 points for either effort or conduct appears on an eligibility sheet, the student sits out one game or performance.  If a third instance of 21/24 or more effort or conduct points appear on an eligibility sheet, the assistant principal meets with the student to develop an action plan to enable the student to improve his or her effort or conduct in order to meet the standards required for athletics and extra-curricular activities before the student is allowed to participate.




    JCDD-R-2    MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR                                 JCDD-R-2





    The student below is a participant in_____________________________________________.

    Using the same scale as the middle school report card, 5 (poor) > 1 (excellent), please sign and

    1)      verify whether a student is passing the class,

    2)      rate the student’s effort in class, and

    3)      rate the student’s conduct in class.


    Student’s name: _______________________________


    Student’s grade:    6           7           8


    Please sign and circle the ratings.


    Period     Teacher Signature               Passing Class?           Effort                       Conduct

                                                                Yes / No                     5 (poor)  > 3 (satisfactory) > 1 (excellent)



    1.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5  4 3 2 1        


    2._______________________           Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5 4 3 2 1


    3._______________________           Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5 4 3 2 1


    4.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5 4 3 2 1


    5.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5 4 3 2 1


    6.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1___            5 4 3 2 1


    7.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1__              5 4 3 2 1


    8.                                                         Yes / No                      5  4  3  2  1                  5 4 3 2 1


    Total                                                                                        __________             ____________




    II. Attendance and Participation

    Practice schedules and attendance rules are set by coaches and sponsors in a consistent and fair manner and are approved by the assistant principal before implementation.

    Unless an exception is approved administratively, students must attend a minimum of three classes in a school day in order to participate in an athletic or extra-curricular activity that day.  Students who have an excused absence from school are excused from practice, competition, or performance.  They may not dress or participate on the same day as their absence unless an administrative exception is made.


    Students who are excluded from school may not participate in practices, competition, or performances during the period of the exclusion.  Students assigned a partial day of in-school separation may not participate on the same day unless the administration grants the privilege.  Students who are excluded from school for disciplinary purposes for a total of 4 or more school days during the same season or activity period will be excluded from participation in the activity for the remainder of that season or activity period.


    Unless an administrative exception is made, a student who is unable to participate in physical education class is considered unable to participate in a competition or performance the same day.

    JCDD-R       MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR                                 JCDD-R-4



    III. Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior

    Any student who decides to act in an unacceptable manner is disciplined by the School System as set forth in this Code of Conduct and is offered rehabilitation as indicated.



    Unacceptable Behavior:                                             Guidelines for Discipline Action



                                        Unless an administrative exception is made, penalties for

    unacceptable behavior related to attendance are:



    Unexcused absence from practice.                                 Warning through exclusion, at discretion of



    Subsequent unexcused absences from practice.               Sponsor contacts student’s parent(s).

    Warning through exclusion, at discretion of



    Unexcused absence from a contest or                                        Exclusion from participation for remainder of

    performance as determined by the sponsor.                     the season or activity during the current school




    Unacceptable Behavior:                                             Guidelines for Discipline Action____________ SUBSTANCE ABUSE


                                        Authority for imposing discipline action related to

    abuse of substances resides solely with administration.


    First offense for possession and/or use of

    tobacco, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs,

    or other behavior-altering substances, except

    medication used as prescribed by a licensed physician.

    All consequences related to substance abuse may include a counseling requirement provided by the school district.  Immediate exclusion from the activity; reinstatement pending administrative investigation; suspension not to exceed 20% of the activity, or season or one performance.


    Second offense for possession/use of: tobacco, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, or other behavior-altering substances, except medication used as prescribed by a licensed physician.



    Other Unacceptable Behavior

    All other offenses will be referred to the principal or his/her designee.



    The assistant principal or his or her designee will contact the parents of any student who is excluded from participation in athletics or extra-curricular activities, and will describe the incident and the assigned consequences.

    Exclusion from participation in the activity for the remainder of the season or activity during the current school year.  The student may become eligible to participate sooner if he or she fulfills the obligations of an action plan developed by the assistant principal.


    Appeal Process

    Students disciplined for infractions may appeal their penalty to the principal or his/her designee within two school days of receiving the consequence of the infraction.  The decision of the principal or his/her designee is final.




    THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM                                                                                                           Attachment to Regulation JCDD-R

    Authorization for emergency medical treatment-

    MIDDLE SCHOOL athletics and ExTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES                       form M


    sTUDENT’S nAME________________________________________________________________date of Birth ________________Grade ____________


    Today’s Date ______________


    I/We*, the parent or legal guardian of _____________________________________________, a student at ______________________________hereby delegate to any coach, trainer, activity sponsor, or administrator of The Grosse Pointe Public School System who has responsibility for supervising him/her, the authority to authorize and consent to any and all emergency medical, surgical, dental or hospital care of treatment while he/she participating in extra-curricular or athletic activities.  Such treatment is to be rendered by, or under the supervision of, a duly licensed physician or dentist.  Such coach, trainer, activity sponsor, or administrator is fully authorized to act in accordance with his/her judgment in any such emergency and are absolved from any liability or financial responsibility in connection therewith.


    _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

                Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian                                                 Home Address                                                                                 Home Phone Number


    _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

                Name of Father’s Place of Employment                                                    Address                                        Phone Number                                              Pager/Cell Phone                                                                                                                                                                                                             

    _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

                Name of Mother’s Place of Employment                                                  Address                                        Phone Number                                              Pager/Cell Phone


    ______________________________ ____________________ ________________ _____________   ______________   _____________    _________________

      Medical-Hospital Insurance Company   Name of Subscriber                         Address    Phone Number        Contract Date        Group Number               Service Number


     Please list any allergies your child has:________________________________ Please note other special needs (dietary, medical, etc.):_____________________


    *Both parents are to sign where applicable.                                                       EMERGENCY INFORMATION


    ___________________________ _______________________ __________________            __________________________________ ______________ ________

        Name of Physician                           Address                                         Telephone                         Name of Dentist                           Address         Telephone




    1)_________________________ _______________________ _________________   or 2)________________________________ ______________  ________

        Name                                                  Address                                         Telephone                         Name                                              Address         Telephone

    THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM  JCDD-R Middle School Code of Conduct for Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities  FORM M (contd.)






    STUDENT’S NAME ________________________________________________________

                                                PLEASE PRINT


        In consideration of my daughter/son being provided with the opportunity to participate in officially sponsored and approved athletic or extra-curricular activities, which may involve travel to and from competitions and/or events, I hereby waive any right or cause of action, of any kind whatsoever, arising as a result of such activity from which any liability may or could accrue to the Grosse Pointe Public School System, or School System personnel, or the adult chaperones, except to the extent that any damages related to such a right or a cause of action may be covered by the School System’s policies of liability insurance




        All athletic and extra-curricular activities require cooperation, responsibility, and good behavior on the part of each participant, for the good of all involved. While participating, students are required to abide by the GPPS Student Code of Conduct (JCD), as well as the Middle School Code of Conduct for Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities (JCDD, JCDD-R).


    NOTE:  Any student using or possessing alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs (excepting medications as listed on the student’s Medical Information Sheet) during an athletic or extra-curricular activity will automatically be sent home at the parent’s expense after parents or another responsible adult has been contacted.


        I, the undersigned, understand the above, realize the necessity for the rules, and agree to cooperate.


        _______________________________________________________     ________

        Student Signature                                                                               Date


        _______________________________________________________     ________

        Parent/Guardian Signature                                                              Date


    _______________________________________has my permission to take

                        STUDENT NAME – PLEASE PRINT

    part in a district-approved sport or club sport and to accompany the athletic team or extra-curricular activity group to all away games and district-approved out-of-town trips for athletic or extra-curricular activity events.  Students may travel by automobile, van, bus, airplane, or other public/commercial carrier.


    Code of Conduct


       As a middle school student involved in an extra-curricular activity or athletics, I am expected to:

    ·       Respect officials, adults, other students, other groups, and my group;

    ·       Accept success modestly, defeat gracefully, and never quit;

    ·       Control my emotions and avoid arguing;

    ·       Accept decisions as they are made and abide by them;

    ·       Never use unacceptable language, cheat, “grandstand,” or taunt others.

    ·       Work to be a good representative of my activity or sport and my school.



    I understand that participation in extra-curricular activities and athletics is a privilege and that all participants are subject to the Middle School Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities Code of Conduct (JCDD, JCDD-R) from the moment they begin participation until promotion to high school.

    I further understand that the policy regarding substance abuse is in effect for 365 days a year and includes violations which occur off school grounds.  I realize that consequences for substance abuse include, but are not limited to a 20% (or 1 performance) suspension from contests or activities for a first offense, and exclusion from participation in extra-curricular activities and athletics for the remainder of the current school year for a second offense.



        Signature of Parent or Guardian                                                           Date




        Signature of Parent or Guardian                                                           Date