Placement tests for enrollment in Spanish 2 for current parochial and private school students who will be freshmen at North High School next year are given during the afternoon of the North's final exam week. To receive Spanish 1 credit and be enrolled in Spanish 2, the student must pass placement exam with a 77% or higher. The placement test is a combination of our Spanish 1 midterm and final exams. Review/practice links are found at the bottom of this page.If you are enrolling at Grosse Pointe South, please contact South for their placement information. This test is for incoming North students only.The tests consists of listening, reading, writing and speaking.The testing schedule for current 8th graders during the 2019-2020 school year is as follows:
- Spanish 1 testout/placement exam for enrollment in Spanish 2: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 1:30 pm.
Testing will take place in room B-208Testing is offered at this time only and students must pass the placeout exam to remain enrolled in Spanish 2. Testing takes place at 1:30 pm in room B-208 and lasts until 3:00 on the date above. The testing period will end at 3:00 regardless of arrival time, however extended time is given to students with official proof of extended-time accommodations for the current school year. Please bring official documentation of extended time if applicable.Contact Mr. Spears for any additional information you may need or questions you may have. spearsm@gpschools.orgFor further information, please contact Michael Spears at 313-432-5599 or via email at michael.spears@gpschools.orgWhat to study: we use "Realidades" textbook. Click THIS LINK to look at and do the interactive activities and reviews through and including chapter 4A for first semester and from chapters 4A through 9A for second semester. Of course, some 1st semester material is embedded into the 2nd semester exam as the newer content builds the previous content. This is helpful for the speaking and writing portions of the exam.The actual tests are communicative in nature and focus on reading, writing, listening and speaking using authentic resources.Overview of midterm: of final: